
  • Come Back Dave Hodges ,Gary Corsiglia, & Tony Baker

    Come Back Dave Hodges ,Gary Corsiglia, & Tony Baker

    In the middle of the night sometimes I hold my breath
    I think of you and all we had
    Tears come when my heart is sinking
    Without you here sometimes it’s so sad
    C. Come back,come back, to me, oh
    Come back, come back to me

    V2.You taught me skills of life and harmony
    Your unselfish love burned deep within my soul
    I held your hand you held mine, and we were one
    What felt like forever now is gone
    C. Come back, come back to me, oh
    Come back, come back to me

    V.3 Your whispering to me, like a gentle breeze , in the summertime
    I see visions of you with me in the bye and bye
    When I leave this place and count this time
    I’ll be dancing with you on heaven’s golden floor.
    C. You’ll be back you’ll be back in my arms again
    You ‘ll be back, you’ll be back in my arms.
    You’ll be back, you’ll be back in my arms again
    Rolling around like a tumbleweed
    You‘ll be back, you’ll be back in my arms