Meet Dave and lean what drives him & his music

My love for music began at home in my early years. My dad would play tunes from Johnny Cash like “ I Walk the Line” on his Fender. On Sundays my mom would play piano and sing hymns like “ Amazing Grace” & . How Great Thou Art”.

Those moments were indeed some of the most peaceful and encouraging times in my family life - it stuck with me." He grew up in a family business that his parents had for 39 years in San Carlos, Ca. - The J.W. Hodges Co. sold equipment & supplies to manufacturers and his dad , “JW” , had a unusual fiery passion for the people he served. All of his family including 2 brothers 3 sisters, nephews & cousins had worked there at one time. Dave began working at the ripe age of 9. The fun times then were large gatherings of family & friends for weekly dinners on Saturdays called " taco night". Dave got a business management degree from SDSU. During the college years he was impacted by a teaching on " what real love is all about". This became a start of a "life changing steps of faith" in God.

Later Dave began a new business in rebuilding equipment for manufacturers and has had the opportunity to work alongside some very talented , hard working, and creative people. He is married to his wife Naomi & they have (4) children. Artistry, Some of the influences were Johnny Cash, Bob Dylan, The Beatles, Carlos Santana, Larry Norman, Andy Williams,Louie Armstrong, Marty Robbins, Roy Orbison, Chris Tomlin, The Eagles, & Switch Foot, Vocal ; Baritone Music; Dave began his music experience through touring with a college choir, and joining a local church choir. He also began playing the guitar and experimented with song writing with friends.

On Sundays he often would sing with his mom who was a big encouragement. Another singing experience was visiting a rest home weekly with a group from church which lasted for 10 years - He says "it taught me a lot about life and how music can lift the spirits and provide hope". He would perform at weddings and services of friends and family. Later he would lead children's worship with some friends for 9 years , and experience was filled with energy,l aughter and never a boring moment.

His first song that he wrote was sung by him at his wedding to Naomi ' Your Eyes ' . After work while raising the family he began devoting spare time to writing songs. While in search of finding a professional guitarist to help him develop the new songs , he met musician & guitarist Tony Baker. Tony is an exceptional performer and teacher. Soon he met Jimmy Goings who is a very gifted singer, songwriter, and producer. This collaboration with Tony & Jimmy as Dave puts it , " has been both an inspiration & a whipping post rolled up into one" . The first album " I'll Carry You" was released in 2015. The second album is in the works.